You're a delivery person that survived a cargo plane crash. Stranded on an island you need to survive with the help of the packages from the plane. 

Open packages, eat, drink, escape...


Get 3 items to build a boat and escape :

 - Inflatable boat
- Paddle
- Tarp

Every action cost some time (timer at top).

Make sure your thirst and hunger meters are full (bottom left). Game over if any of the meters goes to 0.

Water and food supply are top left.

WSAD to move
LMB to interact
M mute music


Didn't have a lot of time to play test, so there are bugs  and game balance is not there. Hope you can still enjoy the game.

There seem to be a lot of bugs especially in WebGL that I don't have the energy to debug, it's been a long day.

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